want to lose fat

Want to lose fat? – Everything you need to know about losing fat

Each one of us is very well aware of the harmful results of accommodating large amount of fat in our body and it is very much required to lose that fat to keep yourself fit. However, we require fat in right amount to remain healthy. So, if you want to lose fat, then here we, The Code – Best Premium Gym in Ludhiana, are sharing everything you need to know before losing fat.

First of all, what is the meaning of body fat percentage?

The role of body fat percentage is very much important as it helps you to know how much amount of fat your body need and also let you know how much amount of fat your body need to lose. So, before we jump into its importance, let us first discuss What is Body fat percentage? 

Body fat percentage of any human being is the total body fat divided by the total mass of the body, multiplied by 100. Although, as we know that the accumulation of fat is not good for our body but still it is importance for many functions of body. This is the reason you need to calculate your body fat percentage. It will help you in identifying the amount of fat you need to gain or lose. So, if you want to lose fat, you need to know about your body fat percentage.

Calculation of Body fat percentage:

There are a number of methods with the help of which you can calculate your body fat percentage:

  • Body mass Index (BMI): This method will help to know about whether the person is overweight, underweight or normal. It can be calculated simply with the help of height and weight of an individual. Thus, BMI helps to know about the weight problems of individuals.
  • Skin fold method: This method is used for the estimation of fat in the body. A device called caliper is used to estimate the underlying fat present in several places of body.
  • DEXA (Dual X-ray absorptiometry) In this technique X-rays are used for the measurement of the body bone mass.

With the help of any of the above methods you can get estimation about the body fat percentage. The percentage for essential fat in women body is (10—13%) which is more in comparison to men which is (2-5%). The essential fat is the fat which is present in nerve tissues, bone marrow. Women need large amount of essential fat percentage as it helps in hormonal balance and also it provides protection to the reproductive organs.

A person who is having a higher body fat percentage can have health issues such as hypertension, diabetes. On the other hand, you can also see that the person who has very low body fat percentage also suffers from the risk of anemia, malnutrition. That is why it is very much essential to know your body fat percentage. This will help you to know your fitness goals.

Want to lose fat?

Here we are sharing some methods to reduce your body fat percentage. There are number of ways which can help you in losing weight and are effective also:

  • Consume few calories: So, this is best way which helps you in reducing your body fat percentage. All you need to do is start consuming less than you burn. When you eat more than you burn, it is stored as excess fat in your body. Consumption of fewer calories doesn’t mean you need to cut out your diet completely, it simply means you should start having a balanced diet and be punctual with your diet if you want to lose fat.
  • Exercise: Everyone is aware of this that the best remedy to reduce body fat percentage is exercising. Consuming a fewer calorie diet alone is not going to help you unless you start doing some physical exercise. This will speed up your process of reduction of body fat percentage.
  • Don’t lose muscle mass, lose fat: Make sure that by exercising you are losing only body fat and not the muscle mass. You must keep the record of the calories you have consumed and also your activity level so that you can maintain a balance. Analyze deeply so that you do not lose your lean muscle mass.

Thus, by following these methods you can walk on the path of reducing your extra stored fat. Also, there are lot of myths about fat loss which can mislead you and can resist your path of healthy living. Some of those myths are:

  • It is a myth that it is possible to reduce fat from a specific part of body. For this purpose, you need to work on your overall fat loss.
  • This is not true that only cardio can help in burning fat but doing weight training exercises also helps in burning fat.
  • Very low-calorie intake is not going to help you in reducing fat quickly, but it can cause many other health issues

Thus, at last we can sum up with a fact that body fat is not a health issue always, although it is an essential component. Body fat percentage, gives you an idea that how much fat you need to reduce or how much you need to gain. Because loosing or gaining too much is not good for health. Thus, knowledge of body fat percentage is essential in both the ways if you want to lose fat or you want to gain, it will help you to achieve your fitness goals.

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